Saturday, May 18, 2024

Clown Phobia and Fear Treatment and Cure

Clown Phobia and Fear Treatment and Cure

One theory is that the face paint, big nose and weird colored hair is so far removed from our conception of what a human face should look like that it unnerves some people.

Another is that we can't "read" the emotions or mood through all the make-up. This scares some because reading facial expressions is one of the ways we relate to people.

Although it appears on the top ten most common phobias on some lists, there is very little information in the medical literature on the subject.



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The symptoms of clown phobia are similar to those of other phobias: high anxiety, sweating, rapid breathing and heart beat and intense fear. Clown phobics know that their reactions are irrational but they can't control it. Don't worry, it is possible to effect a clown phobia and fear treatment and cure.

Medications are sometimes used but they don't get rid of the phobia they just mask the symptoms, to get you through an encounter.

Hypnotherapy or hypnosis works for some people but not everyone can be hypnotized and many people don't want to lose control even in a therapeutic situation.

Therapy to uncover the cause of the phobia can help. Once the cause is know, treatment can begin to desensitize the client. You may be asked to look at pictures of clowns and then maybe look at film clips and eventually come face to face with a real clown.


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5 Star Nutrition is a premier retailer of best-in-class vitamins, supplements and apparel. For over 10 years, they have helped hundreds of thousands of customers reach their health and wellness potential.

One therapist broke through her client's phobia when she asked her to be made up as a clown and look at herself in a mirror.

I know of one adult male, who can't even enter a McDonald's because he might see a picture of Ronald McDonald. Clown phobia, unlike other phobias, can be kept at bay by just avoiding places where you might encounter them. Of course it won't free you from the phobia but you don't have to hole up in your home to avoid the phobia.

Ignore people who tell you to get a grip on yourself, grow up and get over being afraid of a silly clown. This can do more harm than good.

Adults remember not being able to attend birthday parties where clowns would be part of the entertainment and many of them still have to avoid those parties. They can't have a clown at their children's party or go to grandchild's party if a clown will be present. Imagine someone who works in event planning for a large arena who has to book a circus or even worse, host a clown convention. This phobia like others can have an effect on every area of a person's life.



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People can sympathize with someone who is afraid of heights, snakes or spiders for instance, but kind of pooh-pooh the fear of clowns. This attitude together with the phobia that they know is irrational, can cause a clown phobic to sink into depression.

As mentioned earlier there are a few treatments available that appear to work well for those suffering from clown phobia. A phobic needs to do some digging to find the one that works for them.

Rest assured that you can beat this and find the best clown phobia and fear treatment and cure for you.

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How to Increase Your Pull-Up Strength with Angles90

Pull-ups are one of the most effective exercises for building upper body strength and enhancing overall fitness. They target multiple muscle groups, including the back, shoulders, arms, and core, making them a staple in many workout routines. However, increasing pull-up strength can be challenging, especially for beginners or those looking to break through plateaus. This is where innovative training tools like Angles90 come into play. Angles90 handles offer a unique approach to pull-up training by providing a more natural grip and reducing joint strain, which can help enhance performance and strength gains.

Understanding the Basics of Pull-Ups

Muscle Groups Involved

Pull-ups are a compound exercise that primarily targets the following muscle groups:

Latissimus Dorsi: The large muscles of the back, responsible for the width of the back.

Biceps Brachii: The muscles on the front of the upper arm.

Trapezius: The muscles extending from the neck to the middle of the back.

Rhomboids: The muscles between the spine and shoulder blades.

Core Muscles: Including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.

Pull-Up Variations

There are several variations of pull-ups, each emphasizing different muscles and providing unique benefits:

Standard Pull-Up: Performed with an overhand grip (palms facing away), primarily targeting the upper back and lats.

Chin-Up: Performed with an underhand grip (palms facing you), emphasizing the biceps and lower lats.

Neutral Grip Pull-Up: Performed with palms facing each other, offering a balanced engagement of the back and arms.

Wide Grip Pull-Up: An overhand grip with hands placed wider than shoulder-width, focusing more on the upper lats and shoulders.

The Role of Angles90 in Pull-Up Training

What is Angles90?

Angles90 is a set of ergonomic handles designed to attach to any pull-up bar or cable machine. These handles allow for a natural and flexible grip, mimicking the natural movements of the hands and wrists during exercises. By using Angles90, you can reduce joint strain, improve grip strength, and engage muscles more effectively.

Benefits of Using Angles90

Ergonomic Grip: Angles90 handles provide a more comfortable grip, reducing the strain on wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

Improved Muscle Activation: The natural movement allowed by the handles can lead to better muscle engagement and activation.

Versatility: Angles90 can be used for a variety of exercises, including pull-ups, rows, and cable exercises, making them a valuable addition to any workout routine.

Enhanced Grip Strength: The dynamic nature of the handles helps improve grip strength, which is crucial for performing pull-ups and other upper body exercises.

Increasing Pull-Up Strength with Angles90

Starting with the Basics

Before diving into advanced techniques, it’s important to establish a solid foundation. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Assess Your Current Strength Level

Before beginning any pull-up training program, assess your current strength level:

Max Reps Test: Perform as many pull-ups as you can with proper form. This will give you a baseline to measure your progress.

Assisted Pull-Ups: If you can’t perform a full pull-up yet, use resistance bands or an assisted pull-up machine to help you build strength.

2. Master the Basic Pull-Up

Ensure you have the proper form for a standard pull-up:

Grip: Use an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Body Position: Engage your core, keep your legs straight or slightly bent, and avoid swinging.

Movement: Pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar, then lower yourself back down in a controlled manner.

Incorporating Angles90

Once you have a basic understanding of pull-ups, start incorporating Angles90 into your routine:

1. Warm-Up

Begin with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints:

Dynamic Stretches: Perform arm circles, shoulder rotations, and torso twists to loosen up.

Light Cardio: Engage in 5-10 minutes of light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks, to increase blood flow.

2. Using Angles90 for Assisted Pull-Ups

If you’re still building strength, use Angles90 handles with resistance bands for assisted pull-ups:

Setup: Attach Angles90 handles to a pull-up bar and loop a resistance band around the bar.

Execution: Place your feet or knees in the band and grip the handles. Perform pull-ups with the assistance of the band, focusing on maintaining proper form.

3. Gradually Increase Resistance

As you become stronger, gradually reduce the assistance from the resistance band:

Progressive Overload: Decrease the thickness of the resistance band or switch to lighter bands over time.

Frequency: Aim for 2-3 pull-up sessions per week, allowing adequate rest between workouts.

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Advanced Techniques with Angles90

Once you’ve built a solid foundation, you can incorporate more advanced techniques to further increase your pull-up strength:

1. Eccentric (Negative) Pull-Ups

Eccentric pull-ups focus on the lowering phase of the movement, which helps build strength:

Setup: Use a box or step to start at the top of the pull-up position with your chin above the bar.

Execution: Slowly lower yourself down in a controlled manner, taking 3-5 seconds to descend.

Reps and Sets: Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps, focusing on a slow and controlled descent.

2. Isometric Holds

Isometric holds involve holding a static position during the pull-up to build strength and endurance:

Setup: Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, using the Angles90 handles.

Execution: Hold this position for as long as possible, aiming for 10-20 seconds.

Reps and Sets: Perform 3-5 sets, gradually increasing the hold time as you become stronger.

3. Weighted Pull-Ups

Adding weight to your pull-ups can significantly increase strength:

Setup: Attach a weight belt with plates or use a weighted vest. Grip the Angles90 handles.

Execution: Perform pull-ups with the added weight, maintaining proper form.

Reps and Sets: Start with low reps (3-5) and 3-5 sets, gradually increasing the weight as you progress.

Complementary Exercises

To further enhance your pull-up strength, incorporate complementary exercises that target the same muscle groups:

1. Rows

Rows target the back and biceps, helping to build the pulling strength needed for pull-ups:

Dumbbell Rows: Perform bent-over rows with dumbbells, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Inverted Rows: Use a barbell or suspension trainer to perform rows with your body weight.

2. Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns mimic the pull-up motion and target the lats:

Machine Pulldowns: Use a lat pulldown machine with a wide grip, pulling the bar down to your chest.

Angles90 Pulldowns: Attach Angles90 handles to the lat pulldown machine for a more natural grip.

3. Bicep Curls

Strong biceps contribute to better pull-up performance:

Dumbbell Curls: Perform alternating or simultaneous bicep curls with dumbbells.

Hammer Curls: Use a neutral grip to target the brachialis, a muscle that aids in pulling movements.

Recovery and Nutrition

Recovery and proper nutrition are crucial components of any strength training program:

1. Rest and Recovery

Allow adequate time for your muscles to recover and grow:

Rest Days: Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to prevent overtraining and injury.

Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support muscle recovery.

2. Nutrition

Fuel your body with the right nutrients to support muscle growth and recovery:

Protein: Consume sufficient protein to repair and build muscle. Aim for 1.2-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Carbohydrates: Include complex carbohydrates to provide energy for your workouts.

Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Monitoring Progress

Tracking your progress is essential for staying motivated and making adjustments to your training plan:

1. Keep a Workout Journal

Record your workouts, including the number of reps, sets, and weight used. This will help you track your progress and make informed decisions about increasing intensity.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Set short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to maintain a positive mindset.

3. Regular Assessments

Periodically reassess your strength level by performing max rep tests or measuring improvements in your pull-up performance.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

1. Poor Form

Improper form can lead to injuries and hinder progress:

Maintain Proper Technique: Focus on maintaining a straight body, engaging your core, and using a full range of motion.

Seek Guidance: Consider working with a trainer or watching instructional videos to ensure you’re performing pull-ups correctly.

2. Overtraining

Too much training without adequate rest can lead to burnout and injuries:

Follow a Balanced Schedule: Incorporate rest days and vary your workouts to prevent overtraining.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of fatigue or pain and adjust your training accordingly.

3. Neglecting Other Muscle Groups

Focusing solely on pull-ups can lead to muscle imbalances:

Balanced Training: Include exercises that target other muscle groups, such as chest, legs, and core, to ensure overall strength and balance.


Increasing your pull-up strength requires a combination of proper technique, progressive overload, complementary exercises, and recovery. Angles90 handles offer a unique and effective way to enhance your pull-up training by providing a more ergonomic grip and improving muscle activation. By incorporating Angles90 into your routine, along with the strategies outlined in this guide, you can achieve significant improvements in your pull-up performance and overall upper body strength.


Angles90 grips are the original and patented grips for a more ergonomic grip, reducing strain on joints and stimulating muscle growth. The grips can be attached to almost anything, allowing users to exercise at home, at thegym or outdoors.



How do you treat fear phobias?

Treating fear phobias, which are persistent and irrational fears of specific objects or situations, involves a variety of therapeutic approaches tailored to the individual's needs. Phobias can range from common fears, like those of heights or spiders, to more specific ones, such as fear of flying or needles. Effective treatment typically combines psychological therapy, sometimes with medication, to help individuals manage and eventually overcome their phobias.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments for phobias. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge the irrational thoughts and beliefs that underlie their fears. By restructuring these thought patterns, individuals can reduce their anxiety and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Exposure therapy, a component of CBT, is particularly effective. This method involves gradual and systematic exposure to the feared object or situation in a controlled environment, starting with less threatening scenarios and progressively facing more challenging ones. This desensitization process helps reduce the phobia's intensity over time.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also be beneficial. Practices such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation help individuals manage their physiological responses to fear. By promoting relaxation and present-moment awareness, these techniques can reduce the overall anxiety associated with phobias.

In some cases, medication may be used to manage the symptoms of severe phobias, especially when they interfere significantly with daily functioning. Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines, can help reduce anxiety symptoms. However, medication is typically used in conjunction with therapy rather than as a standalone treatment.

Support groups and counseling provide additional layers of support. Talking about fears in a group setting or with a counselor can help individuals feel understood and less isolated. Group therapy sessions also offer the opportunity to learn from others' experiences and coping strategies.

Virtual reality (VR) therapy is an emerging treatment for phobias, offering a safe and controlled way to expose individuals to their fears. VR can simulate various scenarios, providing immersive exposure without real-world risks.

Overall, while fear phobias can be debilitating, a combination of CBT, exposure therapy, relaxation techniques, medication, and supportive counseling can provide effective relief and help individuals regain control over their lives.

How to cure phobias naturally?

Curing phobias naturally involves utilizing non-pharmaceutical methods to manage and eventually overcome irrational fears. These natural approaches focus on altering thought patterns, reducing anxiety, and building resilience through behavioral and lifestyle changes. Here are some effective natural methods to treat phobias:

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a cornerstone of natural phobia treatment. It involves identifying irrational thoughts and replacing them with more realistic ones. Through exposure therapy, a part of CBT, individuals gradually confront their fears in a controlled and systematic way. This desensitization helps diminish the phobia over time. For instance, someone with a fear of heights might start by looking at pictures of tall buildings and gradually work up to visiting high places.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness meditation helps individuals stay present and reduce the anxiety associated with phobias. By practicing mindfulness, people can learn to observe their fearful thoughts without reacting to them. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can also help manage the physical symptoms of anxiety. These practices calm the nervous system and reduce the immediate stress response triggered by phobic stimuli.

Physical Activity

Regular physical exercise is a natural anxiety reducer. Exercise releases endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress. Activities like yoga, tai chi, and aerobic exercises are particularly beneficial. They not only promote physical well-being but also enhance mental resilience, making it easier to cope with phobias.

Nutritional Support

A balanced diet can play a role in managing anxiety. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamins B and D are known to support brain health and reduce anxiety. Herbal teas, such as chamomile and valerian root, have calming properties that can help manage anxiety symptoms naturally.

Support Groups and Counseling

Talking about phobias in a supportive environment can alleviate the sense of isolation and provide practical coping strategies. Support groups offer a platform to share experiences and learn from others who have successfully managed their fears. Professional counseling can provide personalized strategies and reinforce natural treatment methods.

Exposure to Nature

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall mental health. Nature walks, gardening, or simply sitting in a park can have a soothing effect and help reduce the anxiety associated with phobias.

By incorporating these natural methods into their lives, individuals can effectively manage and overcome phobias without relying on medication. Consistency and persistence in applying these techniques are key to achieving long-term success in conquering fears.

How to overcome a fear?

Overcoming fear, whether it's a specific phobia or a generalized anxiety, requires a multifaceted approach that combines mental strategies, lifestyle changes, and gradual exposure. Here are effective methods to help conquer fear:

Identify and Understand Your Fear

The first step in overcoming fear is to clearly identify what you are afraid of and understand the root cause. Reflecting on when the fear began and any triggering events can provide insights. Keeping a fear journal can help track your thoughts, feelings, and reactions, making it easier to recognize patterns and triggers.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a highly effective technique for managing and overcoming fear. It involves challenging and changing unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors. By identifying irrational thoughts and replacing them with realistic ones, CBT helps reduce the power of fear. For instance, if you have a fear of public speaking, CBT can help you reframe your thinking from "Everyone will judge me" to "I can communicate my ideas effectively."

Gradual Exposure

Gradual exposure to the fear in a controlled manner can desensitize the anxiety response. This process, known as systematic desensitization, involves starting with less intimidating aspects of the fear and slowly working up to more challenging scenarios. If you fear dogs, you might start by looking at pictures of dogs, then watching videos, and eventually being in the same room as a dog.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness meditation helps you stay grounded and reduces anxiety by focusing on the present moment. Practices such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can calm the nervous system and alleviate the physical symptoms of fear. These techniques help create a state of relaxation that counters the stress response.

Physical Exercise

Regular physical activity reduces stress and anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Activities like yoga and tai chi not only improve physical health but also promote mental calmness and resilience.

Seek Support

Talking about your fears with friends, family, or a support group can provide emotional relief and practical advice. Professional counseling or therapy can offer personalized strategies and support.

Positive Visualization and Affirmations

Visualizing positive outcomes and using affirmations can boost confidence and reduce fear. Imagine yourself successfully confronting and overcoming your fear. Affirmations like "I am strong and capable" can reinforce a positive mindset.

Educate Yourself

Knowledge can diminish fear. Learning more about what you fear can demystify it and reduce anxiety. Understanding that fear is a natural response and learning how others have overcome similar fears can be empowering.

By combining these strategies, individuals can systematically reduce and eventually overcome their fears, leading to a more confident and fearless life. Consistency and patience are key, as overcoming fear is a gradual process that requires persistent effort.



Exposure Therapy for Phobias Video with Reid Wilson

Scarefest - Clown Phobia Treatment

Phobias - specific phobias, agoraphobia, & social phobia



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