Sunday, October 16, 2022



Any persistent or irrational fear of an object, situation or activity that you feel compelled to avoid can be classified as a phobia. We know that phobias can interfere with our ability to function, affecting our ability to work, socialize and our normal daily routine. We also know from experience that people with phobias can become so obsessed with their fear that they avoid certain objects or situations, lest they develop fear, dread, panic, or in some cases outright morbid panic. Don't stir up feelings.

What causes phobias?

In each case the creation of the phobia can be traced back to a 'significant emotional event' in which the individual associates the phobia trigger with a negative emotion. A phobia trigger can be an event, a situation or a specific object. Importantly, it becomes emotionally connected and neurologically connected or 'anchored'. This anchoring process is something we humans use to remember important events. For example, you can listen to a song and immediately go back to an important time, place or event in your life. It is a positive anchor at work, and thousands accumulate in the unconscious mind of all of us. A phobia is an extreme version of an anchor attached to a negative emotion.

Creating anchors is easy. In a well-cited experiment, an American psychologist, Martin Seligman, paired a small electric shock with specific images. Only two to four shocks were sufficient to induce negative anchoring or fear of spiders or snakes, whereas a much larger range of shocks was required to form a neural association with a picture of a flower. The main factors are the intensity of the experience, in this instance the pain of the shock and the number of repetitions required to form the link.

It is much easier to develop a phobia in just one significant emotional event than in a real-life laboratory situation. This is because the brain learns very quickly in intense situations - you only need to touch a naked flame once to realize that this is not something you want to repeat.

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100% PURE is an all natural, cruelty-free, environment conscious beauty brand 100% PURE isn’t just their name. Or just their ingredient list. 100% PURE is a commitment to producing the purest, healthiest products and educating everyone on why being 100% PURE is so important.

How is a phobia cured?

The good news is that the 'anchors' that neurologically connect that phobia to situations or events can be easily broken. There are several proven ways to do this, some of which are well publicized. Phobia Free Therapy was publicly investigated by The Daily Mail and Women's Own as part of a British national press investigation. Phobia Free Therapy, which consists of MP3 therapy used in conjunction with a guidebook while the client works, was used to cure a 30-year-old with needle phobia in less than two hours. If you want to read the coverage for yourself, it's featured on the TalkSure site. Conclusion, in addition to the success of the method, it can be used without the need to see a doctor.




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However, if you have a crush on someone, there are two proven strategies to overcome the phobia. Firstly, Time Line Therapy, shown online by, is a technique that has a very high success rate in dealing with phobias. It is popular because the client does not have to relive a traumatic experience before they can disconnect the anchor. Second, the Fast Phobia Cure, a technique developed by NLP co-founder Richard Bandler, has proven its effectiveness over the past twenty years and is the basis of many phobia treatments.





The bottom line is that phobias are easy to develop and easy to cure – no matter how long or how intense the feelings associated with them. So why wait to get rid of the phobia, you have nothing but the old fear of losing.

In each case the creation of the phobia can be traced back to a 'significant emotional event' in which the individual associates the phobia trigger with a negative emotion. A phobia trigger can be an event, a situation or a specific object. A phobia is an extreme version of an anchor attached to a negative emotion. The main factors are the intensity of the experience, in this instance the pain of the shock and the number of repetitions required to form the link. This is because the brain learns very quickly in intense situations - you only need to touch a naked flame once to realize that this is not something you want to repeat. The good news is that the 'anchors' that neurologically connect that phobia to situations or events can be easily broken. Conclusion, in addition to the success of the method, it can be used without the need to see a doctor. However, if you have a crush on someone, there are two proven strategies to overcome the phobia. It is popular because the client does not have to relive a traumatic experience before they can disconnect the anchor. The bottom line is that phobias are easy to develop and easy to cure no matter how long or how intense the feelings associated with them.
A phobia trigger can be an event, a situation or a specific object.In In each case the creation of the phobia can be traced back to a 'significant emotional event' in which the individual associates the phobia trigger with a negative emotion. A phobia is an extreme version of an anchor attached to a negative emotion. The good news is that the 'anchors' that neurologically connect that phobia to situations or events can be easily broken. This is because the brain learns very quickly in intense situations - you only need to touch a naked flame once to realize that this is not something you want to repeat. It is popular because the client does not have to relive a traumatic experience before they can disconnect the anchor.



How does a phobia start?

Many phobias develop as a result of a negative experience or panic attack associated with a specific object or situation. Genetics and environment. There may be a link between your own specific phobia and your parent's fear or anxiety - this may be due to genetics or learned behaviour.

Could you suddenly develop a phobia?

A phobia can develop in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood. They may be associated with a frightening event or stressful situation. Nonetheless, it isn't generally clear why a few fears happen.

Can you overcome phobias?

Professional therapy can help you overcome or effectively manage your specific phobia so that you are not a prisoner of your fear. There are steps you can take yourself: Try to avoid the dreaded situation. Instead of avoiding fearful situations altogether, practice being around them as often as possible.

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