Monday, February 20, 2023



6 Effective Herbal Remedies for Phobias

A phobia is usually described as an irrational fear, the symptoms of which can sometimes be manageable. On some unfortunate occasions this irrational fear can be so debilitating that the sufferer's daily life can come to a standstill.

Fear may be related to an object, situation, or person, or may be due to a reflex action of the subconscious mind to avoid an unpleasant experience.

Common phobias include acrophobia (fear of heights), agoraphobia, (fear of open spaces), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), etc.

Common symptoms of phobias range from feelings of fear or panic, an inability to focus thoughts, a strong desire to escape the situation, or uncontrollable physical reactions such as dizziness or trembling.

There are many ways to help people with irrational fears. Natural remedies for phobias such as herbal remedies or aromatherapy can be really effective in this regard.

Here is a list of common herbal remedies for phobias.

Lemon or lime

Lemon juice is known to be very effective in reducing nausea and dizziness due to phobia attacks.  Cut a lemon in half and smell it for a while to get complete relief from various phobia related symptoms.

Sugar skull hat

Chinese skull cap is an herb that can help the patient to relieve anxiety and fear due to phobia condition.  One of the main components of this herb is flavonoids such as wogonin, which help to reduce stress hormones in phobia patients to a great extent. This herb helps to activate a person's central nervous system thereby helping the patient to respond more positively to fear and anxiety.

The meadow is sweet

Meadowsweet is an herb that a person with a phobia can drink as a tea to relieve the anxiety and discomfort of fear. Physical symptoms commonly associated with phobias, such as palpitations, nervousness, and digestive disturbances, can be relieved by eating sweet sweets.

Passion flower

Passion flower is an herb that can help modulate the body's emotional response to stress and help a person remain mentally calm and balanced. This particular herb acts as a natural sedative and can help the patient recover from extremely fearful situations that can trigger reactions related to phobias. This herbal vine has many soothing properties that make it an effective herbal remedy for all types of phobias. Many books on Ayurvedic treatment of phobias recommend passion flower tea for anxiety and fear-related problems in patients with phobias.

To spin a horse in a circle

Kava is an herb traditionally used in the South Pacific to prepare a ceremonial drink. This herb is a natural healer and relaxes body muscles. Kava root extract is water soluble and can be mixed with water to relieve a person's phobia symptoms. Kava is known to calm the gastrointestinal system and provide relief to patients with phobia-related stomach problems such as nausea and acidity.


Some of the common problems that people with phobias experience are fear, dread, and insomnia. Chamomile is known to be a nerve relaxant that helps calm and relax the nervous system and treats common problems associated with phobias.

This herb also acts as a natural healer and calms the nervous system by affecting the neurotransmitters in the brain in a way that helps the phobia sufferer to become more stable and calm.

Anxiety is the result of constant unnecessary thinking, tension and fear. Apart from Ayurvedic medicines, yoga, meditation and pranayama can be very beneficial in overcoming panic attacks caused by first phobia. In general, Ayurvedic medicines for phobias are very relaxing and harmless. However, consult a healthcare professional before starting any line of treatment. 

Fear may be related to an object, situation, or person, or may be due to a reflex action of the subconscious mind to avoid an unpleasant experience. Sugar skull hat Chinese skull cap is an herb that can help the patient to relieve anxiety and fear due to phobia condition. One of the main components of this herb is flavonoids such as wogonin, which help to reduce stress hormones in phobia patients to a great extent. This herb helps to activate a person's central nervous system thereby helping the patient to respond more positively to fear and anxiety. The meadow is sweet Meadowsweet is an herb that a person with a phobia can drink as a tea to relieve the anxiety and discomfort of fear. Passion flower Passion flower is an herb that can help modulate the body's emotional response to stress and help a person remain mentally calm and balanced. This particular herb acts as a natural sedative and can help the patient recover from extremely fearful situations that can trigger reactions related to phobias. Kava root extract is water soluble and can be mixed with water to relieve a person's phobia symptoms. Chamomile is known to be a nerve relaxant that helps calm and relax the nervous system and treats common problems associated with phobias. This herb also acts as a natural healer and calms the nervous system by affecting the neurotransmitters in the brain in a way that helps the phobia sufferer to become more stable and calm.

Kava root extract is water soluble and can be mixed with water to relieve a person's phobia symptoms. Chamomile is known to be a nerve relaxant that helps calm and relax the nervous system and treats common problems associated with phobias. This herb helps to activate a person's central nervous system thereby helping the patient to respond more positively to fear and anxiety.Fear Fear may be related to an object, situation, or person, or may be due to a reflex action of the subconscious mind to avoid an unpleasant experience.Sugar skull hat Chinese skull cap is an herb that can help the patient to relieve anxiety and fear due to phobia condition.

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