Sunday, October 16, 2022


Why phobia as irrational fear-know the reason

Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders

Arachibutrophobia - Apprehension about peanut butter adhering to the top of the mouth

Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women

Hippopotamonrosquipeddaliophobia - Fear of long words

Ethyphalophobia - Apprehension about seeing an erect penis

Plakophobia – Fear of tombstones

Trichopathophobia - Fear of hair

Triskadekaphobia - Fear of number thirteen

Xerophobia – Fear of dryness

Gemiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat

Just to rule out some little-known phobias.

Phobias keep you safe. This is a strange claim. Anyone who suffers from a phobia of something they can't avoid knows how disabling phobias can be. And experiencing the horror of an object or situation that others don't have a problem with can make life uncomfortable. But let's take a look at this whole phobia thing.

Snakes, spiders and needles are very common phobias. Even chimpanzees suffer from snake phobia. It keeps them safe. Snakes can be deadly. But chimpanzees meet apes on a piece of hosepipe that looks like a snake lying on the ground. So being afraid of snakes is more important than not being afraid of snakes. Spiders can also be poisonous, so it's also wise to give them a wide berth. Needles hurt so why not have someone stick them in you and either suck blood or pump something.

Fear of the dark Well you can't see any danger in the dark and you have a better chance of getting close in the dark (bears, wolves, lions, hyenas, rats with plague). So it's understandable to want to keep the lights on all night.

So you can already see that some phobias may have their origins in our evolutionary past. And it would be useful for the whole tribal group to panic or shout or generally make a commotion to warn them of danger just as one or two people would warn a predator on the hunt. ,

The only problem is that with phobias, the reaction gets out of hand. Its scale is out of necessity, that's all.

But then there are agoraphobics and social phobics. Such phobias actually make a person's world very small and very scary. But if you feel insecure about yourself and have low self-esteem, the phobia provides a valid reason to avoid going out and interacting with others. So the phobia, while uncomfortable, actually has some benefits.

The problem is, profit or not, when you're faced with something that scares you, when you have to go on vacation and spend so many hours stuck on a plane that you're going to die, and then look forward to spending one. A fortnight into withdrawal panic, you experience a very real hell. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all understanding goes out the window and life becomes something you simply let go of, not just facing the thing that scares you.

This is a serious problem. Anything that weakens, anything that has the power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind must be treated with respect and with all seriousness.

So what is the contrast between a fear and a trepidation?I have handled and enjoyed snakes, they are wonderful creatures. But give me a cobra and I'm a little scared back. I have no problem with harmless spiders crawling on me, but I would seriously freak out if a black widow crawled up my arm. This is a normal healthy, intelligent response. Don't panic because you're told there's a snake in a bag in the next room. Panicking because you bring an image of a spider to your mind is unusual.

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Belk offers a wide assortment of national brands and private label fashion apparel, shoes and accessories for the entire family along with top name cosmetics, a wedding registry and a large selection of quality merchandise for the home.

A phobia fills your mind with nothing more than the desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Thinking about the object of the phobia elicits symptoms almost identical to their actual physical appearance. Often when treating a phobia, the sufferer is asked to score the intensity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is just feeling slightly uncomfortable. If the score is not 8 or higher, there is a strong possibility that there is no phobia. This does not mean that there are no problems, but it does mean that the treatment may be different. Most people can handle fear up to level 7, above which it completely takes over the mind.





This is why phobias are one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to treat. I'll quickly take you through one of the 'tricks' we use to scramble a phobic image. This is commonly referred to as the five-minute phobia treatment. Let's say arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is a problem. The victim is asked to draw a picture of a spider in their mind and then wear a strange hat, such as a clown hat with a big bubble on top. then





Fear of the dark Well you cannot see any danger in the dark and you have a better chance of getting close in the dark (bears, wolves, lions, hyenas, rats with plague). And it would be useful for the whole tribal group to panic or shout or generally make a commotion to warn them of danger just as one or two people would warn a predator on the hunt., The only problem is that with phobias, the reaction gets out of hand. The problem is, profit or not, when you are faced with something that scares you, when you have to go on vacation and spend so many hours stuck on a plane that you are going to die, and then look forward to spending one. Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all understanding goes out the window and life becomes something you simply let go of, not just facing the thing that scares you. Anything that weakens, anything that has the power to destroy the rational intelligence of a healthy mind must be treated with respect and with all seriousness. So what is the contrast between a fear and a trepidation? A phobia fills your mind with nothing more than the desire to be away from the source of the phobia. Often when treating a phobia, the sufferer is asked to score the intensity on a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest level of terror they can imagine and 1 is just feeling slightly uncomfortable. This is why phobias are one of the easiest problems for a hypnotherapist to treat. Let's say arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is a problem.

Whatever the phobia is, when it happens, all understanding goes out the window and life becomes something you simply let go of, not just facing the thing that scares you. So what is the contrast between a fear and a trepidation? A phobia fills your mind with nothing more than the desire to be away from the source of the phobia.



Get Rid Of Phobias In 10 Days | By Kailash Mantry

Phobias - specific phobias, agoraphobia, & social phobia

Phobia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.




What causes irrational fear?

Many phobias develop as a result of a negative experience or panic attack associated with a specific object or situation. genetics and environment. There may be a link between your own specific phobia and your parent's fear or anxiety – this may be due to genetics or learned behavior. brain function

Do people with phobias know that their fear is irrational?

People with phobias often feel that their fear is irrational, but they are unable to do anything about it. Such feelings of dread can disrupt work, school, and individual connections. An expected 19 million Americans have a fear that causes trouble in some part of their lives.

What is the most unreasonable apprehension?

Here are some of the most unique, strange, but highly related irrational fears that commonly haunt people.

Fear of showers and bathtubs. ,

Fear of falling down stairs. ,

Fear of falling in manhole. ,

Fear of getting worms in the ear. ,

The fear of a plane falling on you. ,

Fear of getting a snake in the pitcher.

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